those first-time visitors to my blog, you can learn about its purpose and
intent by reading the first article, which is listed in the archive. In this second posting, I want to introduce
you to my three published novels.
am fortunate to have two “tween” books published in both the E-book and print
formats. For those not familiar with the
term Tween, it is the age group of nine-to-twelve years old. But don’t let this fool you. I have many young adults (YA) and adults who
have read both of my tween books and told me how much they enjoyed them. I am just sorry they have not posted any
reviews in the online book markets.
All Because of
and its sequel, Lessons from the
Sheepfold, my first and third books are published by MuseItUp (MIU), out of
Canada. These two volumes are the
beginnings of a tween series entitled Adventures of Half-Dozen and are available
in both formats on-line from the MuseItUp Bookstore, as well as many other book
sellers, including Amazon, Books-A-Million and Barns and Noble. Those who happen to live in the neighborhood
of DuBois, PA can also find them at Rosie’s Book Shoppe in DuBois and the Brockway
Drug Store in Brockway. Those living in
the Dothan, AL area can find them at Red House Books.
many Tween and YA books in this day and age, my pages are free of aliens,
sorcerers, and monsters—as well as bad language and sexual overtones. They are, however, full of fun, exploring new
experiences, and adventures. My purpose
for writing these books is to entice non-readers of this age to discover the
excitement and friendships that can be found on the printed page, whether on
paper or a computer screen.
second book, a sweet romance, is published by Clean Reads out of Alabama, and
is available in only the E-book format, from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and
other on-line book suppliers.
below are the covers and back-cover introductions of each of these endeavors.

Permission slips for Ag club summer
projects are due. Sammy defends his project choice with, “Technically, Dad,
chickens are birds not animals.” Miraculously, he wins Dad’s approval.
Sammy’s problems begin with the early
arrival of his peeps and the loss of his best pals. His ingenuity
to care for his chicks, make a new friend, and design a compost bin win him a
new name. His biggest challenge—can he butcher his roosters?
Summer’s many adventures include
solving a mystery, fighting a hawk, and being disqualified at the County Fair.
At the end of the project, has he
won…or lost…the thing he wanted most—Dad’s change of heart about farming.

Until Sam learns…it takes two years for a calf to give milk…their
farm is too small to support a cow…cows don’t eat goldenrod!
Determined, Sam finds a way to accomplish
his plan. But will he have the strength,
daring, and courage it will take to raise sheep in a cow county?
Sam, staunchly supported by his friends,
the Half-Dozen, experiences many challenges: a barn raising, acquiring sheep and a battle line, squelching a
middle-school cow vs. sheep feud, sheep shearing and lambing, attacks on his
sheep, challenging the local vet at a Grange meeting, and of course, County
By close of CAYC Fair Day, the whole
county has learned lessons from the sheepfold.
That is, until she meets Mark Copeland,
who offers her a marriage of convenience. Since they each believe their destiny
is a marriage without love, they cannot realize what is so apparent to everyone
else…that both of them are already under love’s spell.
Many things—blue eyes, cookies, mysterious
envelopes, secrets, a dangerous fall, an unexpected visit from a stepbrother,
military deception, legal intervention, a birth—bring to awareness and fruition
a bounty of love and understanding.
And Allison…it all started with a girl
like you!
Although I do not have any printed ratings on my latest effort, the ratings of the first two books have all been 5-star. Perhaps you would like to be the first to post a rating for Lessons from the Sheepfold?
I am currently working on book three of
Adventures of the Half-Dozen, as well as a second sweet romance. I hope to have them in the hands of a
publisher, as well as the hands of you readers very soon.
Read my new post next Wednesday.
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