Wednesday, October 4, 2017


As a comparatively new and not widely known author, I thought it would be nice to let my readers know a little more about me as a person.  Since I am several generations removed from my readers, the purpose of this blog is not only to let you get to know me as a person, but also to introduce you to the ways and times of the era I grew up in.  In exchange, I would like to get to know some of your experiences along these same lines.

For instance, we might talk about the games we played as a child, or the places we visited, or the pets we had.  For those who have worked, either for pay or as a volunteer, we might talk about some unusual occupations we have had, jobs we liked best, jobs we didn't like so much.

I am hoping to have a new post each week.  In some of them I will be just reminiscing about the way things were, maybe sometimes I'll compare them to how they are now.  In these cases, it will be up to you to decide if indeed there are such things as "the good old days."

Some of the things I share will let you know what is happening in my life now; like things I am doing, or places I'm going, or writings I am working on.

I am hoping to share visits from my fellow authors so you can get to know them a little more as a person, too, as well as learn about some of the stories they have written, or may be working on now.

All in all, I hope you will visit my blog often.

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