Wednesday, May 2, 2018


This week’s question is:

Before Sammy remembered Gran’s warning that his chickens were not pets but a product, Sammy had already named two.  What were their names?

a. Jim and Sally

b. Freddy and Pansy

c. Albert and Candy

d. Ned and Grace

e. Ernie and Nettie

If there is no one to put in the Weekly Contest WINNER’S SPOTLIGHT under the Bookshelf column to the right, instead of repeating all unclaimed questions, only the previous “un-won” poser will be reprinted and available for a “Second Chance” answer.

Remember—the contest is open to anyone, of any age, and contestants are not limited to only one win.  Answers to both the Weekly Contest and the Second Chance questions are to  be  submitted to me at  Be sure to put as the Subject the number of the week’s question you are answering.  Since there have been several weeks without a winner, multiple winners for the same question will be permitted.  The prize is the privilege of naming one of Sammy’s soon-to-be delivered lambs and have your name listed on the Acknowledgement page of the new Sammy book which is a Work In Progress.

Second Chance Question:

When Sammy’s baby chickens arrived, in what way was he not prepared for them?

He didn’t have—

a.  A place to keep them.

b.  Food and water dishes.

c.  A heat lamp.

d.  None of the above.

e.  All of the above.

We are learning about the unexpected “pop-ups” that can happen when the sale of a home is involved.  The Home Inspection found only four minor problems that either have already been or are in the process of being eliminated.  However, there is a big one that may take a while to correct.  We have fallen prey to Pennsylvania’s hidden nemesis—radon.

Radon is an invisible gas that has no smell or taste and it is responsible for 20,000 lung cancer deaths a year.  It is released naturally when the sub-ground rocks of our Pennsylvania mountains break down and thus becomes able to invade our basements by seeping up through the porous cement floors.  Luckily there are ways to mitigate the dangers of this intrusive invader, and I’ll let you know what we will be learning about them in the very near future.

Take care, and have a marvelous week.

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